Aerospace COVID Site Level Protocols

Aerospace Protocol LOW MEDIUM HIGH
Mask indoors Not required
  • Highly Encouraged​
  • May be required by local authority mandate or site leader
Mask outdoors Not required
  • Not required
  • Encouraged if within 6 feet of others
6 feet social distancing indoor and outdoor Not required
  • Not required but encouraged
Employer provided vehicles (>1 occupant) Keep windows down or max outside air
  • Masks are encouraged and may be mandated by local authority or site leader
  • Sit as far apart as possible
  • Keep windows down or max outside air as conditions permit
Experiencing symptoms Remain at home and inform your manager. You may return to the office:
1. 10 days from onset of symptoms or negative test, and
2. You are asymptomatic
When to report to Security Control Center You test positive
What to do if you were exposed to COVID Follow these instructions
Cleaning/disinfecting protocol Supplies provided and staff is asked to clean and disinfect shared equipment after use

Updated 1/23/23